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Riding Skills: Gears Of The Seat

Question Category: Riding Skills

Question: Hi Julie, I got to watch one of your clinics at the Midwest Horse Fair last weekend. (I had a booth there in the exhibit hall and so I only got a chance to see one of them.) I did get to

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Horse Behavior: Aggression At Feeding Time


Hi Julie,

First a “thank you” for all the help you have been to me in working on becoming a “natural Horseman”. My question is one regarding aggression at the feed bucket. I have just taken into foster care two mares, age 27 and 20.

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Horse Behavior: The meaning behind audible expressions

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Dear Julie Goodnight,

Several times this spring my mare has made a sound that sounds like a Donkey; she did it on the 28th of May when I put her back in her corral after grazing her for an hour when she

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Issues From The Ground: Aggressive In The Round Pen

Question Category: Issues from the Ground

Question: Dear Julie,

My friend’s coming-4 yr old paint gelding has started a very unsavory habit. When asked to move out in a round pen at liberty he will do it for a moment, then pins his ears and violently attacks

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Issues from the Ground: Lead line leadership

Question Category: Issues from the Ground

Question: I know I need to teach my horse to respect me while I’m leading him at halter. He’s pushy and pulls me. How do I get started? How can I teach my horse the skills he needs to behave while I’m

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Talk About Tack: Elbow-Pull Bitting Device, Goodnight Bitting System

Question Category: Talk about Tack

Question: Hi Julie,

You had mentioned in one of your Q & A’s a product called, a self-correcting bitting device. What is it and where can you purchase it?

Thanks Kimberly

Answer: Kimberly,

The self-correcting bitting device I use

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Talk About Tack: Using A Tom Thumb Bit

Question Category: Talk about Tack

Question: I have a horse that constantly tosses her head and fools with the bit. I use a tom thumb with her. Please give me a short education on bits. Any suggestions? I tried riding her with just a halter to entertain the

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Annual Check-Up: Saddle Fit

Each year, about this time, I make it a point to look with fresh eyes at each of my horses to see if any saddle adjustments are necessary. Horses that I have had for years (riding in the same tack) can suddenly outgrow or change enough to need a

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Leadership And Authority

Horses crave it and thrive on it; they worship the ground the herd leader walks on. Horses can recognize leadership traits in both horses and people and they cannot be fooled– either you act like a leader at all times, or you aren’t one.

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Horses in the Cold: We Blanket for Our Needs, Not Theirs

It was 6 below zero this morning. Relatively warm by some standards, when you compare it to 25 below, which our neighbors had. That’s why our valley is known as “the Banana Belt of Colorado.”

While we recorded a mere -6° this morning, the valleys to the