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“Bit” Of A Problem
What to do when your horse fights taking the bit. Question: Our horse, a 12-year-old Quarter Horse, has started a bad habit. Recently, we had our vet float his teeth,
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Horse rearing on the lunge line
“Rearing” to Go!
One of the most memorable episodes of Horse Master for me involved a lovely warmblood mare who developed a rearing problem after a successful run as a show jumper. The
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Horse Goals or Bust! Part 3: Rider Fitness & Conditioning Plan
We are three months into Horse Goals or Bust!โ€”my nine-month plan to help you accomplish your horsemanship goals and live your dreams. Many of you have jumped onboard for this
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2016 February Blog – It’s About Time
Itโ€™s About Time Most things in life that are important, take an investment of timeโ€”an education, a career, a relationship. Mastering a skill or a sport, starting a new business,
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5 Pound Challenge Monthly Post
February    My husband reminded me that we are going on a beach vacation soonโ€” Yikes! The double whammy! Vacation calories plus skimpy clothing and bathing suits. If that doesnโ€™t
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5-Pound Challenge– Back by Popular Demand!
See the Facebook Discussion Group about this blog posting: During a recent trip to the beach, I had cause to don my bathing suit (a rarity for horse us
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A Devoted Horse
Horses rise or fall to your level of expectation, no matter how high or low. If you think heโ€™s going to spook at something, he generally will. If you think
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A Helmet on Your Head
I had a strange and thought-provoking moment as I was getting ready for one of my demos at a horse expo last weekend. Kindly, someone brought me a horse to
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A Horse With A Human Problem
Good Day! Itโ€™s great to be home again, even if only for a day. By the time I have unpacked, itโ€™s time to start repacking again. But I am excited
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A Horseโ€™s Sense of Fairness
โ€œDoes my horse have a sense of fairness?โ€ Recently, one of my Interactive Academy members asked me this questionโ€”a question that no one has ever asked me during my forty
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A Hydrated Horse Is A Healthy Horse
Question: Getting a horse to drink enough water has been a challenge for a long time. So long, in fact, that โ€œyou can lead a horse to water, but you
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A Look Back: My 2023 Horse Goals
My crew is always coming up with big ideas for helping riders and horse owners live their dreams. Like me, they are all on their own personal horsemanship journey and
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A Ride On The Beach
Good day! One of our most popular episodes of Horse Master is an episode that was filmed on a warm and sunny day at the beach of Marthaโ€™s Vineyard last summer.
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A Smile In The Face Of Adversity
Last week I was a presenter at Equine Affaire in Columbus OH. In case youve never been to this expo, it is huge with hundreds of vendors, every kind of
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A Well Trained Horse Will Always Remember
Good Day! It seems like forever since we filmed the episodes  at Marthaโ€™s Vineyard. But I remember filming this episode well, because it involves a horse I used to own.
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A Wet and Wild Ride at the Beach
Let’s talk about the episodes filmed at Marthaโ€™s Vineyard.  Wave Runner  is one of my favorites. Partly because I got to do all the riding in this one and partly because
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ABC’s Volume 2 Care And Maintenance
First Aid   Sometimes it seems like a horse could hurt himself even if you locked him in a padded stall. Running and playing with other horses keeps your horse
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Add Serving Of Caution To The Tender Spring Grass
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 17, 2016 By Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D.   Spring is almost upon us in most of the country, so itโ€™s time to revisit that critical
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Added Fat Improves Behavior
February 11, 2016 Added Fat Improves Behavior by Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D. Diet affects behavior. This makes sense. A well-fed horse is healthy. And a healthy horse feels good.
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Advance And Retreat
While shooting a Horse Master episode on Marthaโ€™s Vineyard in Massachusetts I was introduced to a woman, Vickie Thurber, who had an accident with her young pinto eventing horse and
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Adversarial Relationships with Horses
I see it all the time at clinics, expos and at TV shoots. Sometimes itโ€™s between untrained horses and inexperienced riders/handlersโ€”a constant battle of the wills; but sometimes the opposite
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An Incredible Weekend
Hello! Here I sit, 32,000 feet above sea level on a jumbo jet, on my way home from a really fantastic weekend. As I may have mentioned, I was in
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Annual Check-Up: Saddle Fit
Each year, about this time, I make it a point to look with fresh eyes at each of my horses to see if any saddle adjustments are necessary. Horses that
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Another Day, Another Dollar!
I said, be careful what you wish for. After freezing my tail off the past few weekends in Minnesota, then Massachusetts, then Colorado, today we had triple digit temperatures here
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Another Snowy Day In Paradise
Greetings! As I look out my office window, it is snowing hard. We canโ€™t complain too much because we need the moisture badly. My friends from Hawaii are coming next
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April 2018 Horse Report
Because of a heavy travel schedule, I went three weeks in March without riding my own horses. I hate that! Fortunately, I have Melissa, to manage my horses for me
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April 2018 Letter from Julie
Dear Friends, I crisscrossed the country last month, from Arizona to Pennsylvania to California to Floridaโ€”meeting many incredible horses and their people. We recorded the TV show in Tucson with
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April 2019: Letter from Julie
[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Dear friends, Iโ€™m thrilled itโ€™s spring! I was gone for two weeks in March and when I got home, my outdoor arena had totally thawed and Rich had
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April 2020 Horse Report
In the four weeks since my last horse report, we have been on lockdown. Most Americans, and indeed people all over the world, are affected by this pandemic but for
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April 2020 Letter From Julie
Dear friends, What a difference a month makes! Here in Colorado, we are in our third week of shutdown and second week of stay-at-home orders. We are all taking the
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April 2021 Horse Report
Dear Friends, The horses are starting to shed and the outdoor arena has thawed enough to ride inโ€”surely spring is around the corner! The horses are feeling frisky, and adventurous
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April 2022 Horse Report
Dear friends, The past month brought some rather profound changes around our barn, leaving a giant hole in my heart. First, we said a sad farewell to our faithful old
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closeup of Annie's face
April 2023 Horse Report
I was planning to write a much different report this month, hoping to announce the pregnancy of my sweet mare, Annie. Instead, I am reminded that nothing worthwhile is ever
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Are Mules More Difficult Than Horses?
Question: Dear Julie, I was at the Ohio Equine Affaire and was able to sit in on one of your talks. It was the one on ‘herd dynamics.’ Very, very
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Are You & Your Horse Ready for Winter?
Even though our winter out here in the mountains has been disturbingly warm and dry this year, I know that eventually the cold and snow will descend upon us. Neither
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Artificial Aids: Training Tool or Crutch?
Horses are amazingly adaptable creatures, and over thousands of years they have partnered with us and found ways to make themselves invaluable to human society. Since before horses were even
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August 2018 Horse Report
With all the talk about my new young horse, Pepper, it may seem like Iโ€™ve forgotten about my other three horses. Yes, a pretty young face always get the attention,
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August 2018 Letter From Julie
Dear Friends, Itโ€™s been a fabulous summer, here at the ranch. Weโ€˜ve avoided the wild fires so far, and the monsoon season is providing some relief from the drought. Hay
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August 2019 Letter from Julie
[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Dear friends, The summer is flying by too fast here in the Colorado Rockies! Iโ€™ve enjoyed some time off at the lakeโ€”boating, fishing, swimming, chillinโ€™ and grillinโ€™. Fortunately,
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August 2020 Horse Report
Here we are at the peak of riding season and Iโ€™m happy to report that our horses are all healthy and sound, even our foster horse, Doc Gunner. For the
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August 2020 Letter from Julie
Dear friends, ย  Iโ€™m not sure whether Iโ€™m sad to see summer wane or glad to see this year halfway behind us. The not-knowing-whatโ€™s-next is hard for everyone, myself included.
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Truth and Julie running over ground poles.
August 2021 Horse Report
As the days shorten, Iโ€™ve been frantically trying to squeeze in all the activities I wanted to do this summer. The older I get, the shorter the summers are, and
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Annie grazing
August 2022 Horse Report
Here in Colorado, summers are long-awaited, and then over before you know it. As we like to say, there are four seasons here: winter, winter, winter, and road construction. Weโ€™ve
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Avoiding Feed-time Frenzy
If you keep your horses at home, youโ€™ve probably already developed a routine that makes your job efficient and keeps the horses happy. But if you are new to this,
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Woodrow Rearing
Back From the Brink: Managing Emotional Meltdowns in Horses
No doubt about itโ€”horses are emotional animals; perhaps more emotional than humans. As prey and herd animals, horses are programmed to adopt the emotions of the animals around them (herd
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Back to Basics (Part 1)
โ€œItโ€™s time to go back to Square One.โ€ This is a phrase we often throw out when a horse has developed undesirable behaviors, or the handler has lost all authority
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Back to Basics: Part 2, Square-One in the Riding Arena
When a horseโ€™s training is either lacking or confused, we often talk about going โ€œback to basics.โ€ Last month, I talked about basic training from the groundโ€”and how important it
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Bad Manners
Help for a horse owner whose gelding has less than desirable ground manners.  
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Bad Medicine
Good Day! Recently on Horse Master is an episode featuring a very stubborn little horse who has learned to make a big fuss out of de-worming or any oral medications. He
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Bareback Riding
Greetings! Iโ€™ve only been home two days this week, so Iโ€™ve been cramming and jamming to get ready to leave again, this time for 5 days of R&R with Rich
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