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Understanding Spurs

…rather than turning the heel inward? Thanks, Casey Mariposa CA

Answer: Casey, Thank you for your well-thought out question. The use of spurs has become a controversial subject and maybe a topic that would be good for a discussion on my http://juliegoodnightontheroad.blogspot.com blog. Like any training aid, spurs

Artificial Aids: Training Tool or Crutch?

…include some quite useful tools, like bits, bridles and reins, as well as more serious reinforcement tools like whips, crops, and spurs. Also included in artificial aids are some stronger devices like tie-downs, draw reins, or nose bands designed to strap the mouth shut, to physically force the horse to…

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Issues From The Saddle: Do I Need Spurs?

Question Category: Issues from the Saddle

Question: Dear Julie,

I’ve seen your show on RFD-TV about how to lower your horse’s head. In the episode you mentioned something about spurs, how to use the spurs at the right time and it’s not always a good idea to

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Talk About Tack: Use Of The Spur

…blog. Like any training aid, spurs can be used correctly and incorrectly. But just like with bits, whether they are ultimately harsh or gentle for the horse is ultimately up to the rider.

Spurs have been used for millennium in the training of horses and throughout that time there…

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To Spur Or Not To Spur

Ask Julie Goodnight: When and how should I use spurs to prompt my lazy horse?

Question: Dear Julie, I’ve seen your show on RFD-TV about how to lower your horse’s head. In the episode you mentioned something about spurs, how to use the spurs at the right time

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Issues From The Saddle: Foxtrotter Won’t Canter On The Beach

…walk on the beach. My problem is I can’t get him to gallop on the beach, touching with the spurs or spanking with a crop just gets him trotting super fast (it’s a great smooth trot though). My question is what cue do I use to get him into a…

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Shopping Western Style

…I found a couple little things I’ve been needing for some time and got some straps for my new pair of fancy spurs that Rich bought me off Ebay.

I also had time to wander through the apparel store. I thought we had a good Western/casual store here in…

Kentucky: The Horse Capital Of The World

…with his spurs. A horse that keeps going past the horse-eating trash can because you told him to, even though every cell in his body is shaking with fear. The horse that wins every race until the day his heart overpowers his body and he breaks down physically.”


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Issues From The Saddle: Gate Sour Horse And A Tom Thumb Bit

…When I attempt to correct him, he picks up the incorrect lead. I tried ignoring leads entirely and just tried to get him to complete a circle without breaking and I have been unsuccessful, I even tried spurs. I decided to go back to basics, meaning groundwork. He will longe…

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The Dish On Discipline

…and spurs. An admonishment could be speaking harshly or as I call it, “hissing and spitting” at the horse. I make a hissing sound and stomp my feet and the horse understands that I don’t like his behavior at the moment.

Whatever pressure you use, it needs to be…

Abby on Skippy with Julie standing beside them.

Becoming The Leader

…aids until the horse responds. Sometimes children do not have the strength to keep legging the horse until he moves and the horse learns that the rider will get tired and give up before he does. If this is the case, she might need a stick or spurs. HOWEVER, use…

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Becoming The Leader

…the strength to keep legging the horse until he moves and the horse learns that the rider will get tired and give up before he does. If this is the case, she might need a stick or spurs. HOWEVER, use these artificial aids with caution because this could drive the…

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Overcoming Fear: Instilling Confidence In Young Riders

…need a stick or spurs. HOWEVER, use these artificial aids with caution because this could drive the dominant horse to more drastic and fractious responses. Whatever aids she is using to make the horse go (and it should be all of the aids), she should continue to apply them until…

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Issues From The Ground: Why Won’t My Horse Listen To Me?

…mental effort for the horse). Doing roll backs or piaffe would require a huge amount of physical effort for the horse, so it may require more pressure to motivate him to execute these maneuvers (which is the reason why you often see the use of whips and spurs in higher…

Make Grooming a Cinch

…using ShowSheen:

To reduce burrs and sand spurs, apply prior to heading out for trail rides and before turn-out For more comfort using fly sheets, use to reduce rubs and static cling To help repel dust and keep horses cleaner longer, use liberally all over the horse’s body To prevent…

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Issues From The Saddle: Not Wanting To Go Forward

…been successful, and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong & I need your help. What I have done so far is to 1st kiss to him, and then apply light leg pressure (no spurs). When that doesn’t work I apply stronger constant leg pressure, while all the time keeping…

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Issues From The Saddle: Refusing To Trot

…times. He doesn’t seem to be doing it out of malice; his ears are relaxed, not back. If I do manage to get him trotting, it’s only for a few steps. I’ve tried with the spurs and crop, but to no avail. The thing that gets me is one day…

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Dominated Horse

…that I know I can get, but occasionally she catches me off guard. Additionally, if she doesn’t want to do something, she just stops. I ask once, tell once, and then use a crop or spurs. Her response is bucking and head tossing, but then she moves on. Everyone knows…