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Days Turn Into Weeks After Hunter’s Accident

Its hard to believe it has been almost three weeks since my sons motorcycle accident. I have been at the hospital all day every day and although at times each minute seems like an eternity, at other times I cannot believe it has already been 20 days. My life has turned upside-down and I am looking forward to some sense of normalcy returning. But every time I think of complaining, I think of what Hunter is enduring with stoic bravery.

Hunter had major surgery last Saturday to rebuild his very broken face. It took 10 hours and the results are remarkable. Other than some bruising and swelling and a not-so-pretty scar that goes eartoear, his face looks fantastic. The maxillofacial specialist, Dr. Daniel Esposito, and his team did incredible work. He showed me the post-surgery CT scan and although he face is full of titanium plates and screws, it is beautifully symmetrical. Hunters jaw will be wired shut for another week, then rubber bands after that. As long as he still has his jaws wired, hell need to stay on a trach, to protect access to his airway.

Although Hunter has struggled all week to climb out of the anesthesia and druginduced fog he has been in, today he is beginning to see some clear sky. They down-sized his trach today so that he is able to talk around italthough it is hard and very tiring for him. The good news is that he is able to put together words and sentencesno easy feat for a brain-injured patient.

In the next few days, we are hoping that Hunter will be moved from the ICU to the neuro floor. From there, hell move on to re-hab and I am hopeful that it will go well. Hes a very strong, brave and determined guy.

Hunter has received many kind cards every day, both from friends that are familiar to us and some that only know us through this blog or the TV show. In all cases, they mean a lot to both Hunter and me and I am very touched by your kindness, your stories and your encouragement. A very kind soul even sent me several books on coping with brain injury and I have been devouring them. Thank you so much.

I yearn to be at home again with my husband and my dogs at my side. I miss the smell of horses and the sweet sound of them chewing on hay. I miss watching them romp and play during their morning turnout and the sound of their beckoning at feed time. I know that day will come soon, when I get to go home. Next week, in fact, when I leave Hunter in the capable hands of my sister, nurse Cathy, while I go home to get my horse and gear and head up to Granby, CO, to teach a clinicthe yoga and riding retreat. If I ever needed yoga, its now! I cant wait to sit on a horse again.

I have managed to get some writing done and work on the promotion for the release of my new saddles  by Circle Y which are debuting this month. My newsletter will be out soonworking on these things has been a blessed distraction.

Until next time,


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