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I Love Shopping– That Is, For Horses!

Julie with Dually 



It’s been nice to be home for a few days—long enough to relax a little and get some chores done around the place. I wish I had more time to garden. I gave up vegetable gardening a long time ago, not from lack of interest but from lack of time, but I still enjoy flower gardening. Now I am down to just planting a few pots and an herb barrel and it’s all I can do to keep them going.

Had a nice mellow ride on Dually yesterday. It was nice to reflect on some of the things I learned at the clinic last weekend. He’s such a mellow fellow when I can ride him every day. I also got some good work done with one of my sale horse—a handsome little dun cutting horse—and worked with Dianna (who rides for me) to further him along with his training. We got chased out of the arena by lightening and rain.

Rich and I drove down to Alamosa to look at a horse for  Rich at a friend’s training barn, Blue Allen. He’s a successful cowhorse trainer that we’ve come to know through the years. We looked at an 8 y/o stallion named “Chics Dig Him” (Hollywood Dunit on the topside and Smart Chic Olena on the bottom). Blue has had “Digger” since he was a yearling and has done all the training and showing on him, starting out at the 3 y/o reined cowhorse futurity. Digger was Blue’s first show horse and then he was Blues’ wife’s first show horse, so they were both pretty attached. And I can see why because he is a nice horse and a very handsome gentleman. He’s a gorgeous and classic stock horse with a very kind and gentle temperament

It looks like Digger will be coming to live with us next week and Rich is officially entering the realm of too many horse to ride and not enough time. He’s not real keen on the idea of selling Tucker but I hate to see a horse sitting idle, especially such a great horse, so I am hoping he’ll change his mind. He’s still working on his goal to earn enough points for Tucker’s ranch horse champion award, but I think he’ll get that one pretty soon. So we’ll see what happens. If I were Rich I’d be counting the minutes to get the new horse home, but he seems much more patient about it than me.

I have a clinic in Colorado Springs this weekend so Rich and the boys (Tucker and Dually) will be going with me to the clinic. It’s such a nice treat for me to be able to teach and ride my own horse. This is a clinic to benefit Renee’s Friends, a fundraising group for breast cancer research. I am hoping we’ll have a great turnout. It’s been full to riders for some time but there’s always room for more spectators, especially for such a great cause!

Now it’s time to head to the barn for our evening ride.

More later,


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