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Reconditioning After Surgery



On  Horse Master episode 3, “The Next Level”   It stars Sharon and her big gallant horse Manassis, a 4th level school master and a blast to ride. Sharon is recovering from abdominal surgery and getting back to riding and both she and her horse needed reconditioning and strengthening of the abs. We worked on collection and how to keep the horse light and round without hanging on his mouth. Manassis was a perfect cast member and Sharon was wonderfully articulate and at ease in front of the camera.

I’ll never forget this episode because there were some real touching circumstances under which Sharon came to own such a fabulous horse, involving the tragic death of her friend and Manassis’ former owner. It was an emotional TV show and I had to practice what I was going to say in closing for about an hour before I could say it without crying. As soon as the cut was finished, the whole crew burst into tears and everyone started hugging. It was a really silly moment and we were all laughing through our tears, but we were all touched by Sharon’s devotion to her horse and friend. I hope you’ll get to see it.

Enjoy the ride!



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