I’m enjoying my time at home this week and looking forward to being home this weekend for a change. I’m getting some good riding in too. We brought the cows in last night so I can do more practice work with Dually on cattle.
This Sunday we’ll be showing in a reined cowhorse show here in Salida for our county fair. Here in this part of the country the county fairs are a big deal for the summer and ours is no different. There’s horse shows, the 4H auction (which is a huge social event) and a dance on Friday and Saturday nights.
In reined cowhorse, you ride a reining pattern, then call for a cow, box it on the end of the arena (showing your horse can control the cow) then you take it down the fence, turn him back twice, then make the cow circle in each direction. If we can make it through the reining without Dually getting too hot, he’ll do the cow work just fine. It’ll be easy compared to Versatility!
This week on the TV show, we are showing the last episode filmed in Florida back in February. It is about a woman and her very cute Palomino. She is interested in showing him a little in Western pleasure but needs to get a more consistent head set and frame on him.
As is usually the case, the horse is actually pretty easy to hold in a frame, she just needs to improve her riding a little and understand how to ask him to frame up. We cover that in the show.
Next week, we’ll start with all new shows which were filmed here at our place back in June. It’s hard to believe it was so freezing cold back then, but you’ll see how much snow is on the mountains. It actually frosted a couple mornings during the shoot. We start filming at sun-up so when it is that cold it’s a little tough!
The first episode from the CO shoot, which will air next week, is about a mare that kicks and bites when you ride in company. It was a pretty easy fix for her—she just needed some correction and rules to follow.
Stay cool and have fun!
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