Question: Hello Julie, My horse has been off all summer due to an injury and I would like suggestions as to how I can get him in shape for spring. I will work with him
We have seen you a number of times at the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo and love the way you work with horses. We desperately need your advice. We have a 2 year old filly who
Question: Hi I have just started to care for a 5 year old Irish Draught x TB – he has a tendon/tendon sheath injury and was about to be put to sleep by his previous
Question: Hi Julie: I just recently purchased a horse in October this is my first horse and boy I am not starting off very well. This horse was 200lbs underweight when I got him so
Question: I am writing from Pretoria South Africa. My daughter recently attended her first show-jumping event. Her horse boxed (trailered) without major problems and also traveled well. At the event this well-behaved, sweet horse, turned
Dear Julie, My mare makes a sound like a Donkey when she returns to her corral after being turned out, or when greeting a new pasture mate. What could be causing my mare to bray
Dear Julie, I’m 15 and have been riding for 11 years. I just bought a Halflinger pony that stands at 14.2. He’s a pleasure to own but rests his head on the reins and often
Appropriate stirrup length is critical for all levels and disciplines of riders. It is important for safety, for rider balance and for the effectiveness of the rider in developing correct riding skills. Time and time
I know what happens if horses don’t drink enough. Too often in the past, I’ve seen horses that don’t drink much water have bouts with colic and mild digestive upset. No matter what you do
Things change fast up here in the mountains in early fall. The beginning of fall still feels like summer, but by the end all the leaves will have fallen and the mountains will be capped
Horses have their own gravity. If you’ve loved them in the past and been pushed away because of an injury or accident, it’s possible you’ll be drawn right back to their beautiful, sleek, powerful sides.
Julie, when did you first start working cattle? It wasn’t until I graduated from college and moved to Colorado that I first enjoyed the thrill of working cattle from a horse. After the hunter/jumper identity
At a recent clinic weekend, I rode with a lovely woman, MaryAnn, who had hauled her Paint mare eight hours. MaryAnn was a sponge of a student—my favorite kind. She was knowledgeable, experienced and a
Ask Julie Goodnight: Why do horses relax and listen when I use one rein at a time? Question: Dear Julie, My riding instructor and I have a question regarding using one rein while riding. I’ve
Ask Julie Goodnight: When Should You Geld a Colt? Hi Julie, I am planning on buying a yearling stallion. I do want to geld him, but I’m not sure at what age is it ok
Ask Julie Goodnight: How do I overcome fears of cantering? Hi Julie, I have been riding for about 2 years. I’m 53, and although I have been around horses (started my daughter riding @ 4-5
Ask Julie Goodnight: What’s the Difference in Longeing and Lead Line Circling? Question: Dear Julie, I purchased your DVD, Lead Line Leadership and I have been searching your library and need some basic clarification. What
Ask Julie Goodnight: How Do I Handle Riding A Spooky Horse? Question: Dear Julie, I usually ride some type of warmblooded horse (not exactly sure of the exact type) during riding classes. He’s often very
Ask Julie Goodnight: Is My Saddle Causing My Horse’s Issues? Question: Dear Julie, I am switching from English to Western and am hoping to get one of your Peak Performance saddles. I am looking at
Ask Julie Goodnight: Is My Saddle Causing My Horse’s Issues? Question: Dear Julie, Six months ago I bought a seven-year-old Quarter Horse gelding and he has turned out to be an awesome trail riding horse
I had an interesting question recently from one of my Facebook friends: “If you want to stay on, at what moment does the rider decide to execute an “emergency dismount?” This is a good question
Why does my horse act up on the trail? Questions about how your horse should act on the trail –and why he doesn’t do what you want when you’re out in the open—are some of
Ask Julie Goodnight: What can I do to keep my horse focused when we’re on the trail? Question: Dear Julie, My 6-year-old-AQHA gelding is very focused in the arena, on or off cattle, keeping his
Ask Julie Goodnight: When and how should I use spurs to prompt my lazy horse? Question: Dear Julie, I’ve seen your show on RFD-TV about how to lower your horse’s head. In the episode you
The Questions You Ask Most This Issue: Will I be too afraid to learn at a clinic? I’m afraid of being judged… Ride and Learn Horsemanship clinics are a way of life for me. I’ve
Horse Shopping 101 I am getting an increasing number of inquiries from people looking for a new horse. So it is with no small amount of forethought that we did a Horse Master episode featuring
Ask Julie Goodnight: What’s the difference in Western and English riding? Especially when it comes to “contact?”… Question: Dear Julie, I have ridden Western for the last 20 years, and have trained my horses based
Ask Julie Goodnight: What to look for in a gaited horse… Question: Hello Julie, I am looking at buying a Tennessee Walker. With my current horse, I am finding it a challenge to post. I’m
Ask Julie Goodnight: Question: Ms. Goodnight, I recently read your article regarding fear of horses. I have a unique problem related to fear and hope you can help. I was in the round pen and
Using The Goodnight Bitting System The self-correcting bitting system I use is often called an elbow pull and it is a long harness leather cord with snaps on each end. To use the bitting tool,
Ask Julie Goodnight: How do I teach my young horse to collect? Dear Julie, Firstly, let me tell you that I appreciate very much your website and information! Thank you! My question is: I have
Stand Statue Still Lots of people “do” ground work but like with any type of training, it can be done well or not. Groundwork done poorly is training the horse the wrong thing and I
Check Your Horse’s Mouth and the Bit When you are having problems with a horse raising his head, the first thing to check is his mouth. Have your veterinarian examine his mouth to make sure
The Cross-Canter “Cross-canter” is the proper term for what is commonly called “cross-firing” or “disunited” cantering. As opposed to picking up the correct lead, with both front and hind inside legs leading the way, the
Ask Julie Goodnight: Does the Lead Horse Participate in Mutual Grooming? Dear Julie, First of all, I would like to thank you for your website and the information you share on it. Your Training Library
Ask Julie Goodnight: Why Should You Post at All? Question: Last month I asked about whether all riders should know how to post on the correct diagonal. Now it seems the question has changed to
Rule Out the Physical If you’re having trouble with your horse’s canter leads, make sure to rule out physical problems first. Whenever a horse only takes one lead at the canter, you always have to
Ask Julie Goodnight: Do Western Riders Need to Post the Trot? Question: Try to settle this discussion – please! Is posting on the correct “diagonal” only important in English riding? I always thought it was
Avoid Gate Sour Behavior… Is your horse gate sour? Does he want to stop at the gate and think he’s headed back to the barn? All horses have this tendency instinctively, and if not handled
Babies, Don’t Bite! Babies like to have their mouths on everything. But the behavior that helps them learn to nurse and get nourishment can become annoying and even dangerous if allowed to continue past the
Question: I enjoy your presentations and I have a question that I hope you can help me with my horse, Rocky. During groundwork he does not respond to the verbal command “Whoa.” What would you
The “natural aids” are the tools that you were born with that allow you to communicate to the horse what you want him to do while you are riding. Traditionally, there are four natural aids,
Ask Julie Goodnight: Help, my horse kicks at the canter! Question: I have 3 horses, all of which do the same thing. They walk and trot quietly, but when you cue for lope, they will
Does Your Horse Fear the Canter Cue? At my clinics and during the TV show shoots, I often see horses that are fearful of the canter cue. Many riders are a little intimidated by the
Ask Julie Goodnight: Question: How should my upper body be as I ride? Answer: Much focus is given to the rider’s seat and leg position, as it should be, for these are critical areas that
In “Shop ‘Til You Drop,” the Horse Master episode taped at my ranch in Colorado, I helped my friend Sddita Fradette begin the horse shopping process. She’s a skilled rider and NARHA riding instructor but
Ask Julie Goodnight: What to Know About Rope Halters Question: I have what’s probably a silly question…. My mare is 15 years old and I’ve never used a rope halter with her. What do I
Horse Master How To “Heads Up” Teaching a horse to lower his head and accept the bit and bridle By Julie Goodnight In the Horse Master episode we named “Heads Up,” I help a horse
Ask Julie Goodnight Question: I really enjoy your lectures you are so much easier to listen to than many of the other presenters! I was wondering about the appropriate length of time that a training
Horse Master How To “Get it Straight” Helping a frustrated rider find the right bit and cue her horse to move straight ahead By Julie Goodnight In the Horse Master episode we named “Get it