Proper position unites the balance of horse and rider, giving the picture of a team moving as one. If I were to guess at the single most common equitation error I see, what immediately springs
Ask Julie Goodnight Question: I was on the Internet searching for info on rearing and found your web site. I have a question I hope you can help with. I have a 6 Yr. old
Ask Julie Goodnight Dear Julie: I have a 13-year-old daughter who has been in 4H since she was eight years old. She has become a great rider and is interested in learning how to become
Changing Direction/Changing Speed Many “forward” horses come to trainers because they are challenging to train. Here, I’ll share some of the techniques that I use to get the horses slowed down a little and to
Dear Miss Julie Goodnight, I am a Wounded Warrior at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO, and have sustained spinal injuries in Iraq. I have had surgeries and now am left using a cane due to nerve
In the episode of Horse Master that we aptly called “Starting Over,” we worked with Clare and her horse “Lux” at a farm outside of Portland, Oregon. Our shoot site, Tanz-Pferde Dressage Farms (, the
Question: I have been riding for eight months at a stable and am taking classes once-twice a week as well as clinics. I bought a horse from the stables I go to, he is a
In Devon Danvers’ “Lost in Transition” episode of Horse Master, I helped a teenager who was ready to stop showing—and riding—because his horse exploded into the canter and just wasn’t fun to ride. The episode
Dear Julie, My friend’s paint gelding has started a very unsavory habit. When asked to move out in a round pen at liberty he will do it for a moment, then pins his ears and
During the episode of Horse Master that we nicknamed, “Loaded Up,” I helped Laura Barnhart of Tuscon, Arizona teach her horse to walk onto the trailer instead of throwing a fit, rearing and bolting when
Question: Why are horses so spooky? Answer: Before we can ever hope to understand, let alone control the movement of a horse, it is important to know the various behaviors that motivate a horse to
Question: I have a very dominant 9-year-old Tennessee walker. He is very proud, and was abused and starved. I’ve had him for 3 years. I am having problems with him on the ground and in
Question: I have a green horse that frequently trips with hind feet as he does not have proper headset or collection. How do you go about helping a green horse become balanced and collected with
Split rein hold Split reins are commonly used by western riders and there are several ways to hold them– the two-handed trainer’s hold (with the reins bridged and both reins in both hands), one-handed trainer’s
Question: I tend to be a big softy when it comes to dealing with my horse. Now I have created a horse that knows this and takes advantage of me, especially when doing groundwork. He
In the Horse Master episode, “Raising Her Right,” I worked with Elaine Shabazian, a longtime horsewoman and Friesian breeder with a farm on Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts. Elaine was recovering from knee surgery and wanted
Hierarchy at Feeding Time Here’s a question from a reader: I have a question about hierarchy. I still treat my oldest horse (17) like he is alpha because I love him the most. I also
Question: I need you! I have a 16.2 hand Thoroughbred that after having the greatest relationship with for 2 years I am now petrified to ride. I even think about going on the trails and
While shooting a Horse Master episode on Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts I was introduced to a woman, Vickie Thurber, who had an accident with her young pinto eventing horse and wanted help introducing “Poco” to
Dear Julie, I have a 13-year-old Paint Horse mare who is very dominant. She came to my barn as a two year old and I already had an18-year-old gelding and a 4-year-old mare. In just
Dear Julie, I have a 10-year-old horse that was born on my farm. From day one has been an ADD/spooky horse. He has been a challenge! Although we have made progress, it seems like I’m
Dear Julie, My pony keeps her head up when I’m attempting to ride her in a collected frame. When I first got her she was so nervous about the bit in her mouth and what
Dear Julie: My horse is generally great on the trails, but has one annoying habit that makes him uncomfortable to ride. Every time we head down a hill, even a small ditch crossing, he trots
A Bit of Comfort “When connecting reins to the bit, I prefer to use a leather to leather connection for softness and a better feel. While having metal snaps in the ends of your reins
I have a question regarding using one rein, versus two, while riding and stopping your horse. When I ride with two hands or use the one-rein stop on my horses, it seems to calm them
Dear Julie, I work part-time for the Forest Service at a horse campground. If often hear trail riders who come to the campground say they’ve been told to ride with very loose rein. They have
Dear Julie, I rescued a Standardbred mare two years ago. She was badly abused by her previous owner and has shown some residual signs of fear. The problem that I now have with her is
Make sure you ride with your boot far enough into the stirrup so that the ball of your foot is weighted. If you just place your toes into the stirrup, you’ll bend your foot and
Minding Manners at Feed Time Is your horse cranky at feed time? Does he pin his ears, bare his teeth and stomp his feet? Or worse, does he grab the hay out of your arms
This Issue: Burned Out Recently I was a speaker at the PATH International therapeutic riding conference—the annual convention. The crowd was full of hundreds of physical therapists, mental health specialists, therapeutic instructors, horse handlers, side
Once again, it’s been a marathon the last couple of weeks, although I’d be a fool to complain about it. We were quite busy filming six new episodes of the TV show—Horse Master. We film
Sit the Spook Learn how to sit the spook on trail for safety and control with top trainer/clinician Julie Goodnight. All horses are capable of spooking. Horses are hardwired to flee in response to fear.
Whether you’re riding on the trail, at a show, or in your own arena, you’ll likely encounter any number of obstacles and scary objects. Can you count on your horse to quietly and willingly approach
Question: When I have to negotiate around a trail obstacle into tight places with trees and low limbs, my mare gets very nervous. She barges through, and it’s hard to hold back and maneuver through.
Question: My mare knows that when I lift the rope off the gate, I’ll then open that gate. She’s started “helping” by turning her body and using her nose to throw open the gate without
What To Do With a Horse Afraid of His Rider Question: Hello Julie, I have a 4 year old registered paint gelding, Zippo Pine Bar bred, tall and gorgeous that I have had for just
Fearful Trail Horse Question: Dear Julie, I have an 8-year-old gelding that is very easy to work with on the ground and in the arena. He tends to become uptight, and nervous when he goes
Correction Bit? Question: We purchased a 6 year old mare approx. 6 months ago. She was previously bridled with a D Ring Snaffle. We have tried transitioning her with other Snaffles and a Touch Plus.
Sitting Trot Question: Q: I ride an Arabian who has a very bouncy trot that I just can’t sit to. I ride in an event saddle that has a somewhat deep seat, but when I
Bending Question Category: Riding Skills Question: I rode the “easy going, chubby” dun in your clinic at Double K Stables in Somerset PA in August. I came away with so much good information that was
Leg-sensitive Horse Issues from the Saddle Question: Dear Julie, I have been given a 12 year old gelding that I am very much attached to and enjoy riding. The problem is that he has had
Gears of the Seat Question: Hi Julie, I got to watch one of your clinics at your horse expo last weekend about using your natural aids and how your pelvis has 3 gears: forward, neutral
Emergency Stops Question Category: Riding Skills Question: Dear Julie, My husband and I went to your seminar on fear of horses at your horse Expo in Denver and I can’t thank you enough!! I thought
Common Complaints My horse bucks when I ask him to canter. When you ask your horse to canter, does he pin his ears and hump his back—making it feel like he just swallowed a watermelon?
Common Complaints My horse is fussy with his head. Help keep your horse from shaking his mane with these anti-head tossing tips from Julie Goodnight. When you ride, does your horse fuss with his head,
Caption: help your horse achieve a low headset and look calm and collected. Riding Right with Julie Goodnight Star Gazer: Teach your horse to lower his head Dear Julie, Do you have any suggestions for
A rearing horse is dangerous—when you’re on the ground or when you’re riding. Riding Right with Julie Goodnight Why does my horse rear? Dear Julie, I have a 12-year-old quarter horse gelding that hops up
Common Complaints My horse heads for the gate and stops while we’re working. Follow Julie Goodnight’s advice to teach your horse ignore the gate and work steadily. If your horse thinks turning toward the gate
Coping with Fear By Julie Goodnight There’s nothing wrong with being afraid of horses. They’re big scary animals capable of spontaneous violent combustion at any moment. In fact, it’s a bit of an intelligence test
Speed Demon: Teach your horse to slow down on command Dear Julie, My 12-year-old Appendix Quarter Horse is always in a hurry—even to get around the arena! I’m always pulling back on her mouth to