September 2020 Letter from Julie

…social distancing). Bring your spouse or a non-riding friend for this fun, action-packed outdoor program. October 22-26 is Horsemanship Immersion—a program you’ve asked for, specifically designed for insatiable learners. This will be a hands-on, 4-day program that covers riding skills, groundwork, health, first aid, conformation, saddle fit and bits, behavior and…

August 2020 Letter from Julie

…activities for riders and nonriders alike. Horsemanship Immersion, October 22-26. With a laboratory of over 200 horses to play with, this program is for insatiable learners of all ability levels. It involves concentrated study and hands-on practice, including riding, groundwork, conformation, behavior & training, saddle fit & bits, health &… Logo

Talk About Tack: Using A Tom Thumb Bit

Question Category: Talk about Tack

Question: I have a horse that constantly tosses her head and fools with the bit. I use a tom thumb with her. Please give me a short education on bits. Any suggestions? I tried riding her with just a halter to entertain the Logo

Julie’s Training Log: November 2015

As I write my articles for November’s newsletter, Equine Affaire is quickly approaching! Hard to believe, one of my favorite expos is so close. Equine Affaire is November 12-15, 2015 and I will be there doing presentations all four days on various subjects including behavior, bits, riding later

Dale Myler’s Bit Lesson Video

Watch this full-length bit talk, you’ll learn how bits work and how to find out if your horse is comfortable. Watch Dale Myler now…. Logo

Ready For Winter?

bits to medications aren’t frozen. Tip: if your tack room is prone to occasional mild freezing, a dorm-sized refrigerator (set as warm as it will go or even turned off) is a good place for meds, ointments, etc. that you don’t want to freeze. The fall is a good time… Logo

Starting Over With A Fractious Horse

…therapeutic pads, bits, shoeing and three years later, the trainers were still stumped at what they could do to resolve Lux’s fractiousness. Now a mature 16 year old, Clare sees that her beloved horse is not getting better so she pulls him out of training, thinking it’s time for a… Logo

You Can’t Make Me Do That

…over it like a trooper.

She was a tough nut to crack, but in the end, she agreed that the fight was not worth it. We had five other great episodes in this shoot, including two shot with Dale Myler—one of the world’s foremost experts on bits. A young…

South Carolina Horse Master Shoot – Behind The Scenes

…develop a plan for starting him over fences.

Finally, we had a QH mare that was throwing her head and running through the bridle—that turned out to be a bitting issue and once we changed bits and I did a little bit of schooling on her, she made a… Logo

Home From The Oregon Horse Master Shoot

…long recovery period, Lux went totally sound within a year, but he had become very spooky, fractious and aggressive behavior—no resemblance of the former rock star that he was. Thousands of dollars were spent on vets exams, acupuncture, chiropractic, calming supplements, new saddles, therapeutic pads, bits, shoeing and three years… Logo

You Can’t Make Me – The Tarp Episode

…tough nut to crack, but in the end, she agreed that the fight was not worth it. We had five other great episodes in this shoot, including two shot with Dale Myler—one of the world’s foremost experts on bits. A young dressage prospect and a very frustrated western horse made…