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Resources for bridling Logo

“Bit” Of A Problem

Resources for bridling “Bit” Of A ProblemWhat to do when your horse fights taking the bit. Question: Our horse, a 12-year-old Quarter Horse, has started a bad habit. Recently, we had our vet float his
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Quick Tip: Basics For Bridling Your Horse

Resources for bridling “Bit” Of A ProblemWhat to do when your horse fights taking the bit. Question: Our horse, a 12-year-old Quarter Horse, has started a bad habit. Recently, we had our vet float his
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Bridling And Un-Bridling

Resources for bridling “Bit” Of A ProblemWhat to do when your horse fights taking the bit. Question: Our horse, a 12-year-old Quarter Horse, has started a bad habit. Recently, we had our vet float his
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Quick Tip: Tip: Bridling Clip

Resources for bridling “Bit” Of A ProblemWhat to do when your horse fights taking the bit. Question: Our horse, a 12-year-old Quarter Horse, has started a bad habit. Recently, we had our vet float his
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Issues From The Ground: Difficult To Bridle

Resources for bridling “Bit” Of A ProblemWhat to do when your horse fights taking the bit. Question: Our horse, a 12-year-old Quarter Horse, has started a bad habit. Recently, we had our vet float his
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