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Resources for canter cue Logo

Horseback Riding Basics: Using Your Aids, Part 2 from AQHA Daily

Resources for canter cue Horseback Riding Basics: Using Your Aids, Part 2 from AQHA DailyClear, consistent communication is the key to smooth transitions with your horse. AQHA Professional Horsewoman Julie Goodnight explains that your horse
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Podcast: Canter with Confidence

Resources for canter cue Horseback Riding Basics: Using Your Aids, Part 2 from AQHA DailyClear, consistent communication is the key to smooth transitions with your horse. AQHA Professional Horsewoman Julie Goodnight explains that your horse
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Issues From The Saddle: Kicks Out At Canter

Resources for canter cue Horseback Riding Basics: Using Your Aids, Part 2 from AQHA DailyClear, consistent communication is the key to smooth transitions with your horse. AQHA Professional Horsewoman Julie Goodnight explains that your horse
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