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Resources for trail obstacle

Episode 902 – Queen of the Drag

Resources for trail obstacle Episode 902 – Queen of the DragJulie Goodnight teaches a rider to pull a log behind her well-trained horse. Read More Episode 902 – Queen Of The Drag – Behind The
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Episode 902 – Queen Of The Drag – Behind The Scenes

Resources for trail obstacle Episode 902 – Queen of the DragJulie Goodnight teaches a rider to pull a log behind her well-trained horse. Read More Episode 902 – Queen Of The Drag – Behind The
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Horse Master with Julie Goodnight

Episode 614 – Turn The Corner

Resources for trail obstacle Episode 902 – Queen of the DragJulie Goodnight teaches a rider to pull a log behind her well-trained horse. Read More Episode 902 – Queen Of The Drag – Behind The
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