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Julie's Blog

Jealousy & Possessiveness in Horses

Annie warning Tom to stay away from her foal, Rip. Horses are emotional animals. Like humans, horses feel and display the six basic emotions. Fear, anger and surprise are overtly
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The World Awaits!

My new colt was born at the most convenient time of day, about the time most people are arriving at work. Most foals are born in the wee hours of
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Newborn Foals: Mother Nature Usually Gets it Right

*UPDATE!* Annie had her beautiful, healthy colt right after publishing time! “Little Colt” (not named yet!) was born on Friday, May 17 at 9:01 in the morning. Here he is
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How Much Does a Young Horse Really Know?

There are a multitude of reasons why people might end up with a young horse in their lives… You’re raising a foal from a beloved mare. You’ve been riding “made”
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How Horses Learn to “Read” Humans

If you’ve ever ridden with me in a clinic, you’ve heard me talk about how clever horses are at determining a person’s level of intention and determination, or lack thereof.
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A Look Back: My 2023 Horse Goals

My crew is always coming up with big ideas for helping riders and horse owners live their dreams. Like me, they are all on their own personal horsemanship journey and
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When Horses “Shut Down”

A horse owner recently reached out to me asking for guidance with a 3-year-old colt that came to her completely shutdown. His eyes glaze over and he statues-up in response
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Annie and Juliie cantering in the outdoor arena with mountains in the background.

Should I Let Someone Else Ride My Horse?

Photo Crredit: Melissa Arnold Should you let someone else ride your horse? There are two common points of view that I run into on this subject: “No! I do not
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Horse Goals Or Bust Part 8: Mental Strategies to Manage Day-Of Anxiety & Perform at Your Best

Whether your equestrian goals involve a competition, a trail adventure, or building the confidence to try something new, it’s likely that you will experience periods of anxiety and moments of
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Free Articles

Horse Report: Gettin’ the Band Back Together!

Here on my ranch, we now have a herd of five horses. Three geldings, plus Annie and her prized foal, Rip. I am happy to report that they are now
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Jealousy & Possessiveness in Horses

Annie warning Tom to stay away from her foal, Rip. Horses are emotional animals. Like humans, horses feel and display the six basic emotions. Fear, anger and surprise are overtly
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Horse Report: Summer Days with Annie & Rip

Here in the Colorado mountains, the lazy days of summer are an exquisite time of year. Warm sunny mornings, followed by afternoon thunderstorms that cool things off at night. The
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The World Awaits!

My new colt was born at the most convenient time of day, about the time most people are arriving at work. Most foals are born in the wee hours of
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Newborn Foals: Mother Nature Usually Gets it Right

*UPDATE!* Annie had her beautiful, healthy colt right after publishing time! “Little Colt” (not named yet!) was born on Friday, May 17 at 9:01 in the morning. Here he is
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Horse Report: Waiting On Baby

It’s hard to believe that Annie’s due date is almost here. As I write this, she is now 332 days into the 340-day average gestation of a mare. All systems
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March 2024 Horse Report

My sweet little mare, Annie, is now 3/4 of the way through her pregnancy. She’s only 14.0 hands and very compact (short-backed), and the baby (I like to think of
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How Much Does a Young Horse Really Know?

There are a multitude of reasons why people might end up with a young horse in their lives… You’re raising a foal from a beloved mare. You’ve been riding “made”
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January 2024 Horse Report

In the last month, most of the horse activity around my ranch has centered on the weather. January can be fickle up at 8,000 feet above sea level. We usually
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Training Articles Logo

Behavior Bummers

Does your trail horse paw, walk off when you mount up, or go at an inconsistent speed? Correct these behavioral woes with these techniques from top trainer/clinician Julie Goodnight. BY
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Julie Goodnight Q&A: Bit Tips

Question: I just purchased a seven-year-old gelding. The previous owner was riding him in a single-jointed snaffle bit. Now, I’m looking for a bit for him and he has responded
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Stop In An Emergency

    The Trail Rider ~ May/June 2016 Riding Right   Stop in an Emergency The one-rein stop is often taught as the go-to aid for slowing and stopping a
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The Pully-Rein Stop

The Trail Rider ~ May 2016 Ride Right with Julie Goodnight   To watch Julie Goodnight demonstrate how to perform the pulley-rein stop, go to   The Pulley-Rein Stop
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Q & A – How To Introduce Kids To Horses And Riding

Q: What are safe tips to introduce my kids to horses and riding? I want them to love riding but don’t want to do too much too soon and end
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Q & A – How To Make Picking Hooves Easier

Q: Sometimes when I’m picking out my horse’s hooves, she pulls it down onto the floor. If I hold it tightly, she tries to jerk it away. How can I
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Extended Trot Instead Of Canter Cue

Julie Goodnight Q&A Q: How do I get my horse to move out at the trot without breaking into a lope? He’s a western horse learning dressage and the extended
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Cinching Up Just Enough – Julie Goodnight Q & A

Q: How tight should I tighten my horse’s cinch—and what is the right process. I don’t want to hurt my horse and I want to make sure he never becomes
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My Horse Consistently Breaks Gait From A Lope To A Jog On The Right Lead. Q & A

Q: My horse consistently breaks gait from a lope to a jog on the right lead. What may be causing this? –Haley White A: This is an interesting question—and I
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