I have to say I was happy to get back into a more normal work schedule this fall—starting with my first few trips to events by airplane since March of 2020. So far, it’s been smooth sailing.
Last month, I had my first “back-to-normal” Horsemanship Clinic since 2019 (where people bring and work with their own horses) in Phoenix, Arizona—and the weather was perfect! It was a great clinic, with lots of interesting horses and riders. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to help clients and their horses directly, in-person, so it was super fun for me. It feels good to be back in the arena!
I also attended the CHA International Conference in Fort Worth, Texas last month.. This was one of the best CHA conferences I’ve ever attended. I think everyone had an especially good time. We were hosted by the Fort Worth Herd—and if you’ve never been to Fort Worth, you should check it out. (Just go to FortWorth.com.)
They drive a big herd of longhorns through the old historic downtown area—twice a day, every day—and it’s incredible to see those huge steers parade through downtown and the throngs of tourists there. The drovers and the crew that make it all happen are fabulous people that I’ve gotten to know and love. It’s really an amazing program and a fabulous place to visit.
Best of all, I got to ride Pepperoni for my presentations in the huge coliseum. His “other-mother,” Nancy, and I were quite proud of him. He took everything in stride—even the longhorns he was stabled right next to—and he acted like a mature, well-trained horse just doin’ his job. My little colt is all grown up now and no longer needs me!
Here at home, I’ve had more time to reconnect with my sweet mare, Annie, mostly riding her bareback and bridleless. She’s highly tuned and responsive, and a very quick-footed little horse—and that makes riding bareback a particularly exhilarating experience!
Since winter’s arrived full-bore now, we’re mostly relegated to riding indoors, so riding bareback and without the bridle makes an otherwise monotonous routine a little more exciting. At least for me, but I think Annie likes it too.
I’m having a quiet holiday at home with family, friends, horses, and of course, our lab, Samantha. I’m excited to see what 2022 has in store for me, and to start planning out new goals for the year.
I hope to see you and your horse in person in 2022!