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Got Horse Goals? Start Your Journey:

Download Julie’s Goal-Setting Guide & join the Horse Goals or Bust Facebook Group to start your journey with Julie!

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Join Julie's 5-pound Challenge Facebook Group
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Join Julie's 5-pound Challenge Facebook Group
Reflect on the past year to envision what you want this year.
Use your reflections to craft your goals & outline your plan of action.
Button: Dowload the Horse Goals or Bust! Goal-Setting Guide
Evaluate your horseโ€™s current fitness level & develop a conditioning plan.
Button: Dowload the Rider Fitness Assessment
Button: Dowload the Rider Fitness Assessment
Button: Dowload the Equine Fitness Assessment
Button: Dowload the Equine Fitness Score Sheet
Assess your riding ability & I’ll help you develop a plan.
Button: Dowload the Equestrian Skill Assessment
Information and resources to make travelling safer and more enjoyable for both you and your horse, including preparing your trailer, getting your horse is ready, and planning your trip.
Functional rider apparel, your horseโ€™s attire and accessories, and safety considerations. Plus, tips to keep both you and your horse comfortable all day.
Coming Soon!
Strategies to manage anxiety, in both horse & rider, how to boost your confidence & perform at your best on the day of your eventโ โ€”whatever that is. Iโ€™ll also share some specific tools and exercises that you can do with your horse to stay focused and calm, perform at your best, and how to get back on track when things go wrong.
Coming Soon!