Dear Friends,
I crisscrossed the country last month, from Arizona to Pennsylvania to California to Florida—meeting many incredible horses and their people.
We recorded the TV show in Tucson with some horses that were rescued from kill pens and are now re-homed at a fantastic program for veterans and law enforcement. The horses had unique stories and interesting issues to resolve—you’ll meet them later this year on Horse Master. In Pennsylvania I got to ride one of my favorite stallions, “Smoke,” and in California I rode a lovely gelding. “Scouter” and I go way back—and he always comes with his own manservant, my good friend Ron. Then I enjoyed a few days of R&R in my native state of Florida, relaxing on the coast and attending a polo match in Wellington. It was fun to see such a broad spectrum of the horse industry in just a few short weeks.
This month I travel to down to Pilot Point, TX for a saddle fitting demonstration at Dennards; then to Fort Collins for the Legends of Ranching horse sale (sitting on my hands). I’m ending the month doing a clinic at the renowned C Lazy U Ranch in Granby, CO, team-teaching with my good friend, Barbra Schulte.
My staff and I are all busy preparing for the upcoming clinic season and I look forward to the opportunities to work with horses and people one-on-one. Be sure to check out my clinic schedule here and feel free to call my office at (719) 530-0531 to speak to one of my friendly and knowledgeable staff if you have questions!