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Horse Behavior: Are horses Right-Left Brained?

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Hi there Julie,

It was so good to see you at the [CHA] conference. I just want to let you know that you are one of the few people that I look up to and admire. I am sorry that we did

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Horse Behavior: Nipping Colt

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Hi Julie,

Here is my problem. My yearling colt, Scout, bites. It’s now become a game to him. He didn’t bite the first 3-4 months when I first brought him home, basically because he was too ill to do anything. I nursed

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Horse Behavior: Horses Identify By Scent

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: I have noticed that when I have been doing house cleaning and I visit the horses with the chemical smells on my hands that the horses seem put off by the odor. This made me wonder, is there a smell or scent that

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Horse Behavior: Seasoning A Horse For Shows

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: I am writing from Pretoria South Africa. My daughter recently attended her first show-jumping event. Her horse boxed (trailered) without major problems and also traveled well. At the event this well-behaved, sweet horse, turned into a very nervous rearing animal. We could not

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Horse Behavior: Showing A Lactating Mare

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: I have a mare due to foal Feb 28 that I show in 2 local circuits from May-September. Shows are twice/month. What is the best way to be able to show my mare and take the baby? I was thinking of just having

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Horse Behavior: Snaking Or Herding Behavior

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: My Thoroughbred mare who is 14 years old, tends to do something “dumb” with her head [when she is in the pen with the other horses]. She kind of bobs it but all the way to the ground and back [as] she kind

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Horse Behavior: Territorial, Hormonal Mare

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Dear Julie,

I am a first time horse owner with a 4-year-old paint mare. The woman I bought her from is training her and I can ride her but she is constantly testing me and backs up when she doesn’t want to

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Horse Behavior: Putting A Young Stallion In With a Herd Of Geldings

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: I have a 10-month-old Welsh stallion pony that is very well mannered with a sweet disposition. I also have three other geldings; one is new to the “herd” but getting along well with the other two. When can I introduce the little one

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Horse Behavior: Horse’s Instincts

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Hi Julie, Can you tell what specifically are the horse’s instincts and how can we use these to our advantage in training?

Yours gratefully, Emma

Answer: Emma, The horse’s instincts are too numerous to mention in one email and would be

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Horse Behavior: Aggressive Herdmate

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: HI, I have really appreciated your calm, common sense approach, so I wondered if I might ask you a horse behavior question, just to hear your thoughts. We recently (2weeks ago) introduced our new horse to my mare and mule. The mare and

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Horse Behavior: Snaking Behavior

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Thanks for responding to my first email. Now, the deal is that the mare is neighing, which she has NEVER done in the year and half that I have had her. She also makes this donkey bray sounding noises, when her head

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Horse Behavior: Self Mutilation

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Dear Julie,

What do you know about Self Mutilation… and what can we do to stop our 11 year old gelding from mutilating himself? he was a stallion until last march when he was locked in a stall away from other horses

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Horse Behavior: Handling A Stud Colt

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Hello,

I just bought a wonderful 3yr old AQHA colt/stallion. I read in your answer to Lindsay about letting them in a herd setting when they are young….I have a 7 yr. old Percheron gelding and two mares…..I keep the 3 yr.

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Horse Behavior: Proper Handling Of A Foal

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Dear Julie,

I recently purchased two Thoroughbred mares, because I want to breed Hunter Under Saddle Quarter Horses and Paints, and am really excited to tell you that I have a foal on the ground now, a Coats N Tails stud colt

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Horse Behavior: Do Horses Prefer Male Over Female Riders?

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Hi Julie,

I’ve got a question about our five-year-old Paint gelding. My wife swears that he prefers men riders to women riders. I’m almost to conclude the same thing, even though I really am skeptical about that. It seems the women who

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Horse Behavior: Background Music In The Barn

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Julie,

First, thank you for taking out the time to answer my emails. I have a question and I didn’t see a separate area on your site to submit questions. I hope this is appropriate. My question is this: In a book

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Horse Behavior: Sexy Gelding

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Hi Julie,

This is an unusual question that I haven’t seen addressed thus far. My friends recently bought an 8 y/o paint gelding from a ranch in Okla. Both their trainer and veterinarian observed & evaluated the horse before purchase. He was

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Horse Behavior: New Bucking Behavior

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: I have a 5-year-old Mustang…she is very docile. Recently she has started bucking when she doesn’t want to do something, like when we work around the cones, or do ring work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Answer: This is an interesting

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Horse Behavior: Raising A Well-Mannered Stallion

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: I am buying a 3 month old colt that I would like to remain/turn into a stallion. I would like to teach him to be well mannered and to give specific commands for breeding, so he does not associate breeding with every mare

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Horse Behavior: Trailering problems

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: I am writing this letter to you from Natal, South Africa. We’ve got a horse that has a new problem, which just suddenly occurred. He never had traveling problems, and has been to quite a few shows. Now, when he travels, he starts

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Horse Behavior: Aggressive Kicking In The Pasture

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Hi Julie-

My husband and I have both benefited so much from your training DVDs, halters and lead ropes, as well as your wonderful television show. We look forward to continuing to learn from you and gain even more from other products.

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Horse Behavior: Quiz: Is Natural Horsemanship Right For Your Horse?

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Understanding Natural Horsemanship

Part I of a three part series on Natural Horsemanship

By Julie Goodnight


Will Natural Horsemanship Help My Horse and Me?

Take this quiz to find out. Indicate “Never” (N); “Occasionally” (O); or

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Horse Behavior: Understanding Horse Behavior

Before we can ever hope to understand, let alone control the movement of a horse, it is important to know the various behaviors that motivate a horse to move in the first place. Being a prey animal means the horse’s first reaction to danger is to run, hell bent

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Horse Behavior: Your horse’s Squeal–What It Means

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Dear Julie,

I have a 9 year old quarter horse mare that for the most part is a very good horse. She is a pleasure horse that I go camping with or trail riding on. The only time she acts up is

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Horse Behavior: Video Of Fatal Kick

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Dear Julie,

Thank you for providing such wonderful information. I don’t think any of the other trainers provide anything like it. Also, I really enjoy your TV show and wish you were going to be at the Midwest Horse Fair again.

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Horse Behavior: Dealing With A Blind Horse

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Dear Julie,

I am a bit intrigued by all the writing you have done on equine behavior…..especially since my horse has lost his vision, and I was wondering if you might be able to help me deal with this challenge.


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Horse Behavior: Mutual Grooming

Question Category: Horse Behavior

Question: Dear Julie,

First of all, I would like to thank you for your website and the information you share on it. Your Training Library is quite extensive and I am learning so much by reading through your responses. I am new to

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Horse Behavior: Xenophon: The Art Of Horsemanship

Question Category: Horse Behavior Question: Read this historical text that has much in common with today’s natural horsemanship training… Answer: Author: Xenophon Translator: H. G. Dakyns Release Date: August 21, 2008 Produced by John Bickers, and David Widger

ON HORSEMANSHIP By Xenophon Translation by H. G. Dakyns

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Building A Better Relationship: Correcting Aggressive Behavior

Question Category: Building a Better Relationship

Question: I have a very dominant 9-year-old Tennessee walker. He is very proud, and was abused and starved. I’ve had him for 3 years. I am having problems with him on the ground and in the pasture. I am the “boss” of

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Building A Better Relationship: Ground Manners For Showmanship

Question Category: Building a Better Relationship

Question: Hi Julie,

The following is from my daughter Anna. (she’s 11)

Dear Julie Goodnight,

This year was very exciting for me. It was my first year showing at the Quarter Horse Congress!! I was sooooo nervous! I went

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Building A Better Relationship: Ground Work Techniques

Question Category: Building a Better Relationship

Question: Hi Julie,

I caught just a minute of your Ground Manners clinic yesterday at Equine Affaire. I have seen this method of twirling the lead (don’t know what it’s proper name is) only once before (several years ago -that was

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Building A Better Relationship: Horse Testing Rider

Question Category: Building a Better Relationship

Question: Hi Julie,

I am a beginning rider, and have been taking lessons twice a week for about three months now. I have wanted to learn to ride since I was a little girl so this is a dream come true

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Building A Better Relationship: Pawing

Question Category: Building a Better Relationship

Question: Hi Julie,

Awesome newsletter as always, my name is Tina and I have a question about pawing. I am a new horse person I have had my Arabian/ QH gelding for 1yr now he is 6 yrs old and when

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Building A Better Relationship: Mare Versus Gelding

Question Category: Building a Better Relationship

Question: Hi Julie,

I was in attendance at the Murdock’s clinic on Thursday night. I heard just a bit of a statement you made about mares. Something to the effect that they can work twice as hard for you or against

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Building A Better Relationship: Should I Sell My Horse?

Question Category: Building a Better Relationship

Question: Hi Julie,

I met you at the 4 day clinic at the Winding River Resort in June 2004. I have the sorrel with a wide blaze and 3 white socks. He had some problems with bridling and using clippers. Also

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Building A Better Relationship: Does My Horse Respect Me?

Question Category: Building a Better Relationship

Question: Dear Julie,

I have a 5 year old Tennessee Walker that I have had for almost a year. I am not sure if some of the things that he is doing are disrespectful, or if it is his personality. He

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Building A Better Relationship: Goodnight Training Works!

Question Category: Building a Better Relationship

Question: Dear Julie,

Some months ago I wrote you about my horse being herd bound and becoming quite fractious on the trail.Your advice was basically that he was not fully trained– that was your short version. I took your advice and

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Building A Better Relationship: Women’s Connection With Horses

Question Category: Building a Better Relationship

Question: How do you explain the connection women have with horses?

Answer: Without question, there is a connection between women and horses. This bond lures both young girls and older women into a web of seduction. My humble beginnings with horses

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Building A Better Relationship: My horse Takes Advantage Of Me

Question Category: Building a Better Relationship

Question: I was hoping you could give me some advice on a training problem I am having. I have a 3-year-old Quarter Horse gelding that I just want to train for English pleasure, for the time being. He was born at my

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Building A Better Relationship: My New Horse Is Challenging Me

Question Category: Building a Better Relationship

Question: Dear Julie,

I just purchased my first horse, Toby, three weeks ago as an adult beginner. He is an 8 year old paint gelding and I moved him to my local riding school. I decided to purchase him (from a

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Building A Better Relationship: New Horse Has Become Herd Bound

Question Category: Building a Better Relationship

Question: I got my first horse last October and things started out great but through the winter he started to become very buddy sour and now it is starting to get to the point where I can’t even take him out of

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Issues From The Ground: Difficult To Bridle

Question Category: Issues from the Ground

Question: Our horse, a 12-year-old quarter horse, has started a bad habit. Recently we had our vet float his teeth and since then he fights taking the bit. He has thrown my daughter, her trainer, others and myself through the air when

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Issues From The Ground: Biting In Showmanship Class

Question Category: Issues from the Ground

Question: When I work with my horse on showmanship, she tries to bite me. What should I do? Should I hit her? Thank you.

Answer: Biting is an aggressive behavior and can be made worse by irritating and crowding a horse’s