Here in the high mountains of Colorado, we’re still in our deepest part of winter, with sub-zero temperatures and blowing snow. It’s the time of year when we go into a holding pattern with our horses, hoping there are enough warm days to ride and simply maintain their training and conditioning.
Riding indoors gets boring and monotonous for horses (and riders), so we try to mix it up a little and avoid drilling the horses repetitively. The middle of winter is the time of year we start laying out our training goals for each horse, and start planning the clinics, competitions and camping trips we want to go to this summer.
My youngest horse, Pepperoni, now 5 years old, has matured into a steady horse and a fun ride. He’s always willing and game for any crazy thing I ask him to do, but he does tend to think he’s smarter than me. Annie, my older mare, is my go-to, finished horse, and lately I’ve been doing some bareback and bridleless riding with her. She loves that, and I do too. She’s my little red Ferrari, and super fun to take for a spin every now and then (although I mostly ride Pepper).
We’ve also been having a lot of fun with our temporary resident, Remington. He’s a 4-month-old Clydesdale colt who was evacuated (along with his mother) from the wildfires last fall, only a few weeks after he was born (surprise birth). Learn more about the fires, how they affected my beloved C Lazy U Ranch and how Remi came to live at my ranch for the winter.
Technically the big, rambunctious colt is a yearling now—even though he’s not quite old enough to wean. He skipped the weanling-sized halter and went straight to yearling size when he was born, and at 3 months old, he graduated to a regular horse-sized rope halter. He’s learning his halter manners and how to get along with the older horses in the herd. We’ve enjoyed having him around—it’s fun to watch him grow and learn how to negotiate his world.
I’m looking forward to resuming my travels later this month with a trip to the White Stallion Ranch in Tucson AZ, for a private clinic. We taped the TV show at the White Stallion for about 7 years in a row, so it may be familiar to many of you. Indeed, a lot of people think I’m from Arizona because we recorded there so often. It’s been a few years, and I’m excited to go back this month to soak in some warm weather and ride in the incredible desert landscape!
Speaking of world renowned guest ranches, I have four retreats planned in 2021 at the C Lazy U Ranch, in Granby, Colorado. I can’t wait to celebrate their new “Vision 2121,” to reimagine their next hundred years as a guest ranch. In May, we have the Women’s Riding & Wholeness Retreat, that I co-teach with Barbra Schulte—it’s restorative, confidence-building and indulgent. In September, I have the popular Ranch Riding Adventure—a fabulous riding vacation for any ability level.
I’m offering two brand new programs at the C Lazy U in October. First, it’s the Saddle Up! Women’s Leadership Retreat, which offers professional development for female executives and business leaders. Co-taught with Barbra Schulte, our focus is on leadership lessons learned from the back of a horse. Open to businesswomen from any industry, this retreat offers unique and innovative perspectives about leadership, but does not require any horse experience.
Also in October, the Horsemanship Immersion program, based on numerous requests, is designed to offer a horsemanship-intensive program for insatiable learners that love horses. With a laboratory of 200 horses and dozens of hands-on workshops, we’ll study all aspects of horsemanship over five power-packed days, from riding skills to groundwork, behavior and training to bits and saddle fit, plus health, nutrition and first aid. You’ll enjoy trail rides in the mountains on steady trail horses, and the fine dining and luxurious accommodations the ranch has to offer.
With the cancellation of all the big events, I have more time in my schedule for horsemanship clinics this year too! I am eager to start working face-to-face with you and your horse again. Horsemanship clinics are perfect for staying COVID-cautious, since horses are excellent tools for enforcing social distancing.
As winter winds down, and the “new normal” emerges, I expect to have more confirmed clinic locations around the country. If you’re interested in hosting a clinic, please let us know. I’ll come to your facility and conduct a clinic for one or more people. It could be just for you and your friends, or it could be open to the public. Together, we’ll design a program that works for you. For more information go to JulieGoodnight.com/PrivateClinic.