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September 2018 Letter from Julie

Dear Friends,
Just 2 weeks ago I flew over the Atlantic Ocean, on my way to Ireland to ride Connemara ponies on the beach! My husband, Rich, and a bunch of our friends joined me, excited about the adventure. (Check out some of the great photos and stories I shared on Instagram!)
I’m back stateside now—it seems like I blinked my eyes and summer was over. At my ranch in Colorado, there’s already a feeling of fall in the air, and that means it’ll be time for me to hit the road again. I returned from Ireland on Labor Day, and I’ll head to Baltimore on September 13th for the Mill of Bellaire Equine Dinner. Then I have the Ranch Riding Adventure at the C Lazy U Ranch, and the CHA International Conference in Fort Collins, Colorado. Check out my calendar to see if I’m coming to your area, and upcoming events you can come to.
As much as I love summer in Colorado, I’m always happy for the change of seasons– different clothes, different weather and a different pace. I know many of you, particularly those in the southern states, are looking forward to cooler weather so you can ride more (and after a trip to TX in August, I can relate). But it seems like in most places, Autumn is the best riding season.
So let’s all get out there and enjoy our horses!
Julie Goodnight
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